The life of Leo Rhodes

Leo Rhodes is a Street Roots vendor, columnist, board member and homeless advocate. His work has been highlighted in the newspaper throughout 2009.

He sells the newspaper almost daily in the Hollywood neighborhood in Northeast and has been a staple at city council meetings and homeless protests over the past year.

His tireless work has led him to work with the Portland Housing Bureau on the 10-year plan to end homelessness and to reform laws targeting individuals on the streets, while being a vendor rep on the Street Roots board of directors.

Elizabeth Schwartz, a local photographer and Street Roots volunteer spent the last five months documenting Leo’s work in the community for a recent photography show at Albina Community Bank about the lives of people who sell the newspaper.

Leo at his vendor location in Hollywood.

Leo showing Housing Commissioner Nick Fish his recent column in Street Roots.

Leo at the Street Roots office with volunteer Becky Mullins and Kreeg Peoples.

Leo speaking at City Council.

Leo with Marc Jolin, Executive Director with JOIN and Sally Erickson with the Portland Housing Bureau.

At a Camping Alternatives meeting at the Portland Housing Bureau with Program Coordinator for Ending Homelessness, Ryan Deibert.

Leo’s treasured and well worn hat.

2 responses to “The life of Leo Rhodes

  1. Patty Dickerson

    Hi Leo, REALLY cool pictures and story. Looks like you’ve been pretty busy.I hope you’re feeling better….. I came to Seattle for Candice’s wedding. Tried to contact you to no avail. I suppose you were in Portland by then. Drop me a line and let me know how the fight goes…. Patty

  2. Pingback: Rest In Peace (Excuse me if I don’t cry. I’m putting on my game face) « PoMotion: production of poetry

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