We want our 30% set aside, already!

Sisters Of The Road, Street Roots, Downtown Chapel, Community Alliance of Tenants, and the Western Regional Advocacy Project hosted a vigil late this afternoon on the site of the North Macadam development, block 33, to mourn the loss of the 400 units of housing that were slated to be built for low to middle income families. Read more about the loss of the 400 units.

Father Bob Loughery from the Downtown Chapel gave a reading of the last rites to commemorate the loss of these units in South Waterfront.

The Portland Aerial Tram with a cost $57 million dollars hovers over six newly built high-rise condominiums coming at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Not one affordable housing unit has been built in the high-end neighborhood. This comes at a time when downtown inventory for affordable housing continues to decline. And when 211 Info is reporting the highest call volume for foreclosure assistance in its history.

Street Roots and others have not just been sitting on the sidelines whining , but instead have been offering in-depth reporting on a myriad of ways to create alternative revenue streams.

Housing levy

SR explores affordable housing options

Why aren’t we paying better attention to homeless deaths? Dignity, and revenue streams potentially await.

Read more about the 30 percent set aside.

Posted by Israel Bayer

4 responses to “We want our 30% set aside, already!

  1. What a great action. Nice work.
    And… a long way to go.
    You all are always towing the line.
    Appreciate your work.

  2. SR lives on the fence, or possibly out on a limb— a constant balancing act. We do our best with the little resources that we have…

    – Israel Bayer

  3. Pingback: Writing of late… « Rocket Poetry

  4. i hope someone or a group can sue the city for not living up to their 30% low income housing obligations, and the fact that they are failing this in the face of such a severe homelessness epidemic. any takers? because this is criminal action against the people and their rights, causing real harm to large numbers of individuals who are in extreme need and entitled, but being denied their rights,etc.

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